Margin is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, international journal published by NCAER in New Delhi in conjunction with SAGE International.
It publishes papers that pay special attention to the economics of emerging economies but is open to high-quality papers from all fields of applied economics. Empirical papers with significant policy implications are preferred, particularly papers with evidence-based policy analysis that apply modern quantitative techniques to sound data sets. At the same time, high-quality review articles are not excluded. The journal appeals to a broad international audience, and hence, empirical papers that cover a range of countries or analyse topics that are relevant outside a single country are often chosen. NCAER’s location, the rising global interest in India, and the growing size of India’s global presence mean that the journal inevitably carries some papers that explore the economics of the major economic, demographic, and social transformation that India is undergoing.
The journal follows the APA reference style. View the APA guidelines to ensure your manuscript conforms.
For more information, read the full submission guidelines.