The Earnings and Conversion Gaps for Persons with Disabilities: Evidence from India
Ajay Mahal
We evaluate the earnings and conversion disadvantages that persons with disabilities face in India, which has amongst the highest number of persons…
Court’s nudge on hospital charges, a reform opportunity
Arun Kumar Tiwari, Sumit Kane, Ajay Mahal
Affordable hospital care requires health-care financing reforms that go beyond price regulations. Benchmark for pricing In an unregulated market-driven scenario, health-care providers…
The ‘missing middle’: How to provide 350 million Indians with health coverage?
Ajay Mahal, Arun Kumar Tiwari, Sumit Kane
Despite recent expansion in its population covered by public-funded insurance, a large section of India’s population remains at major financial risk from…
Report: Health Seeking Pathways in Four Indian States (4IS)
Prabir Kumar Ghosh, Ajay Mahal, Sumit Kane + 9
This report is the outcome of a study undertaken jointly by NCAER and the Nossal Institute for Global Health, Melbourne School of…