Unclaimed Financial Assets: An International Comparison of Financial Regulatory Framework and Perspectives on Claim Settlement

NCAER Project Team C S Mohapatra, Depannita Ghosh, Manu Prathap and Darshna

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This study explores the claim settlement processes of financial regulatory frameworks across the globe, focusing on statutory provisions, dormancy periods, post-dormancy actions, and the role of digital tools. By examining frameworks in a number of systemically important jurisdictions including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and India, the study highlights best practices in managing unclaimed financial assets and safeguarding investor interests. It also identifies key challenges, such as inconsistencies in dormancy rules and varying levels of digital adoption, which impact claim efficiency. The findings, while nothing down the positives , aim to provide  insights for enhancing claim settlement mechanisms in India, fostering greater investor protection and financial inclusion.

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