This conference organised by NCAER and Institute of Development Studies is a part of a collaborative project which explores the reasons as to why India’s burgeoning growth rates have not translated into better nutrition outcomes for its people,. It aims to understand and shape the current policy process around the proposed National Food Security Act (NFSA) as well as restructuring of Public Distribution System (PDS) and Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) that can lead to improved nutritional outcomes and better food security.
A welcome address by Dr Sonalde Desai, NCAER and a keynote address by Dr Veena Rao, Advisor, Karnataka Nutrition Mission set the tone for this three day workshop held at the Heritage Village Resort, Manesar, Gurgaon. The conference was platform to present and discuss on issues ranging from identifying the gaps in the nutrition agenda to the role of households in shaping malnutrition and appraisal in the environmental context. The following sessions saw interesting debates on improving the service delivery and on whether employment and agricultural policies influence diet. The governance challenges where discussed in light of the National Food Security Act followed by a policy roundtable, chaired by Dr Shekhar Shah, Director General of NCAER on India’s Malnutrition Challenge and how India’s New Government should tackle the issues. This very interactive workshop was attended by researchers, academicians, policy makers from India and abroad.