The UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 states that by 2030, all countries must provide legal identity for all their citizens, including birth registration. India launched its own digital identity in 2009. Since then, approximately, 95 per cent of India’s population has been enrolled with Aadhaar. The Aadhaar is universal in nature, i.e. there are no eligibility criteria for acquiring it. The Aadhaar is also not functional in nature, i.e. it is not intended for specific use for a particular purpose or sector. However, it can be linked to various functional identification systems. It is also a proof of residence versus proof of citizenship.
Earlier research has shown the significant potential implications of legal identity for a range of issues.
The overall objective of this project is to estimate the impact of Aadhaar on GDP. There are three key stakeholders in the identification projects – the public sector, the private sector, and citizens. We will identify the direct and indirect linkages between these three stakeholders and estimate the size of the linkages to assess the overall impact of Aadhaar on GDP.
Bornali Bhandari is a Professor at NCAER with a background in international economics and macroeconomics, specifically focusing on the impact of globalisation on development. Currently, she is engaged in a number of industry studies including automobiles, farm mechanisation, and digitisation. Her wider research interests include analysis of skilling from a 3-E perspective (education, employability and... Read More
Sanjib Pohit is a Professor at NCAER. He is an experienced modeler in the area of trade and environment with 20 years of modelling experience. His domain of research experience includes science and technology policies, institutional economics, transport economics, input-output models, FDI, informal trade, automobile industry, and South Asian integration. Previously, he held position at... Read More
Laxmi Joshi is a Fellow at NCAER with research interests in agriculture and rural development. She has worked on issues related to the Agricultural Outlook Situation Analysis, National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, economic benefits of weather and marine services, air pollution issues in agriculture, India’s cotton revolution, dairy development, convergence and agricultural intervention in Maharashtra, farm... Read More
Charu Jain is a Fellow at NCAER. Her areas of research interest includes education, gender, and socio-developmental changes. She has worked in the area of land & policy related issues, agriculture, steel, handloom sector, large-scale consumer studies, industrial surveys, housing indices, and macro-economic policy issues. Dr Jain has few national and international publications to her credit.... Read More
Ajaya Kumar Sahu is a Fellow at NCAER. He is an Agricultural Economist by training. During his stay at the NCAER, he has worked on areas like poverty analysis, issues related to agriculture and rural development, labour and employment with special reference to quality of jobs and skills, public finance and analysis of price dynamics. ... Read More