Macroeconomic implications of energy transition pathway

Macroeconomic implications of energy transition pathway

COP28 emphasized that transitioning away from fossil fuels in energy systems is required in a just, orderly and equitable manner. Green transition is an imminent pressure on the economy as the global community is facing the challenge of sustainability, energy security and environmental protection. The target to achieve low carbon development growth for India requires investment in renewable energy resources, without hampering the economic growth. Recently, India’s energy policy path is adopting transition from fossil fuel energy sources to non-fossil fuel energy sources. The transition should also be aligned with India’s long-term development goals. The project aims to assess the economic implication of gradual transition to low carbon economy aligned with India’s developmental goals and to understand the framework and impact of alternative pathways of reaching the low carbon targets.


  • 400Macroeconomic implications of energy transition pathway

    Sanjib Pohit is a Professor at NCAER. He is an experienced modeler in the area of trade and environment with 20 years of modelling experience. His domain of research experience includes science and technology policies, institutional economics, transport economics, input-output models, FDI, informal trade, automobile industry, and South Asian integration. Previously, he held position at...   Read More

  • 19466Macroeconomic implications of energy transition pathway

    Chetana Chaudhuri is a Fellow at NCAER. Her primary research interests are in the areas of Energy, Environment, Macroeconomics, Employment and Health Economics. She has previously been associated with the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) and Institute of Economic Growth (IEG). She has worked on a...   Read More

  • 2225Macroeconomic implications of energy transition pathway

    Devender Pratap is a Senior Fellow at NCAER. His current research interests include trade policy analysis/CGE modelling, GTAP database, social accounting matrix, input output analysis, construction of base-run for CGE modelling, macro-econometric modelling and agricultural/livestock economy. At NCAER, he has handled three major CGE models in single-country and multi-country frameworks. He has also been involved...   Read More