The global economy is on a recovery path after the shocks of the severe financial and economic crises of 2008 and 2009. This study, third in this area supported by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has focused on understanding the behaviour of households as investors in various financial instruments which are traded in... Read More
The global economy is on a recovery path after the shocks of the severe financial and economic crises of 2008 and 2009. This study, third in this area supported by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has focused on understanding the behaviour of households as investors in various financial instruments which are traded in markets regulated by... Read More
The 4th issue of Gramsurajya has two articles. The first section is an opinion piece by Prof. Andrew Foster, Brown University, “The two elements of inclusive growth”. The second section contains a brief summary of NCAER-IDRC research findings “Do Changes in Inheritance Legislation Improve Women's Access to Physical and Human Capital? Evidence from India's Hindu... Read More
The third issue of Gramsurajya is in three parts. The first section is an opinion piece titled "Participation and Decentralization for Agricultural and Rural Development.” The second section contains insights from the ARIS/REDS 2006 data on "Does the democratic decentralization really create responsible governance in rural India?” The final section highlights the latest programmes to... Read More
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) of the Government of India, has been implementing schemes for electrification of remote villages through renewable energy sources since 2001-02. The early programme was renamed as 'Remote Village Electrification Programme' (RVEP) in 2003- 04 aligning it with and complementing the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) of... Read More
The study seeks to analyse (a) the awareness levels of the insured population of their rights as per the Act, policyholder protection regulations, different types of insurances such as life insurance including term, premium, endowment, ULIPs, health insurance, general insurance, including household items, and levels of protection available for various types of insurance; (b) study... Read More
The publication is based on the study conducted to assess the constraints in and the factors that influence project execution using a survey of various studies and consultations with selected stakeholders. It provides the patterns of execution based on a review of the performance indicators for central government projects in the infrastructure sector.
The objective of the Third Handloom Census was to build a database for the handloom sector to provide inputs for policy making purposes. The need to understand the differential impact of policies has increasingly been realised by policy makers. The survey was conducted in rural and urban areas of 29 states and UTs.
This publication is based on the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure 2004–05 (NSHIE), covering over 63,000 households out of a preliminary listed sample of 440,000 in rural and urban India spread over 24 states. The book presents an in-depth analysis of the economic well-being of the Indian population using thorough socioeconomic and demographic... Read More
In recent years, the operation of the Iron ore industry in Goa has been under strict watch from the environmental perspective. The state government has felt the need to implement certain policy measures that pose difficult challenges to mining operations. NCAER uses a comprehensive and analytical review of the iron ore mining industry of Goa... Read More