The study examine the mobility of households with respect to time-independence, positional movement, and directional income, consumption and assets movement using transition matrices. Transition matrices are most intuitive tools to comprehend mobility and are based on Shorrock’s (1978) measures of mobility. Economic mobility is a significant consequence of income inequality and growth. In this paper,... Read More
The main objective of this paper is to estimate the technical, economic and allocative efficiency of Indian agricultural farmers in both cross section and panel years of 1982, 1999 and 2007 using the production and cost frontier model. This has been estimated for crops such as paddy, wheat, serials, pulses, oil seeds and other crops... Read More
This paper models the perverse impact of increased devolution of funds from higher to lower level governments (village councils or Panchayats) on tax revenues collected This paper models the perverse impact of increased devolution of funds from higher to lower level governments (village councils or Panchayats) on tax revenues collected by the latter. We show... Read More
In this paper we show that investments to improve the supply and management of water reduce the time spent in fetching water by both men and women, which in turn will lead to a reallocation of the time saved to productive activities, and result in increased incomes. Using the national ARIS/REDS panel data of the... Read More
Has the devolution of responsibilities and finances to local governments in India produced positive impacts on health status and incomes of men and women? Using a national data set with details on health, health seeking behavior and local governance, we estimate a system of simultaneous equations to analyze the incidence of illness via a health... Read More
While many studies explored impacts of political quotas for females on public goods provision, knowledge on immediate and longer term economic impacts of such interventions remains limited which is undesirable in view of the widespread adoption of such policies. We use nation-wide data from India on current outcomes and a village’s reservation status for the... Read More
Although there has been considerable interest on wage discrimination, available studies largely dealt with formal rather than informal markets that are of little relevance for the poorest. Focusing on of India’s informal labour markets leads to three findings of interest. First, gender wage discrimination is larger in informal than in formal labour markets, resulting in... Read More
This paper studies the changes in the pattern of bilateral trade between China and India consequent to China's accession to the WTO in 2001 and assesses the complementarities and challenges in trade.
This paper examines whether and to what extent changes in inheritance legislation impact women's physical and human capital investments using disaggregated household level data from India. We use inheritance patterns over three generations of individuals to assess the impact of changes in the Hindu Succession Act that grant daughters equal coparcenary birth rights in joint... Read More
Reservations enjoy great popularity to overcome deep-rooted inequality. However, in part due to a short horizon of analyses, evidence on the impact of reservations and the mechanisms through which they may work remains ambiguous. Nationally representative village- and household level data from India for the last 3 Panchayat periods allow us to explore dynamic effects... Read More