The National Council of Applied Economic Research has conducted several surveys since 1986 to study the markets for a variety of consumer goods. As part of the fourth study in the series, the “market information survey of households (MISH)”, a household survey of medical care was conducted in 1990, to elicit information on the nature... Read More
This may be the last budget which can be presented by the current government of India. It is therefore also a pre-general Election year Budget. It follows a series of election defeats of the ruling Congress Party, earlier in December 1994 in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh; and this month (March 1995) in Maharashtra and Gujarat.... Read More
The Human Development Report (HDR) published annually by UNDP has defined development as a process of widening people’s choices. Identifying three critical choices, viz., to have access to income and assets needed for a decent standard of living, to acquire knowledge, and to lead a long and healthy life, the HDR proposes a composite index-... Read More
Rural communication in India is on the threshold of a revolution as a result of indigenously designed rural telephone exchanges by the Centre for Development of Telematics and produced under its license by 30 manufactures. Rural communication in India is on the threshold of a revolution as a result of indigenously designed rural telephone exchanges... Read More
Development of irrigation in India has entailed huge capital investments resulting in a massive canal network which services a little more than 30 million hectares of agricultural land. Development of irrigation in India has entailed huge capital investments resulting in a massive canal network which services a little more than 30 million hectares of agricultural... Read More
The most dramatic changes in economic policies in 1991 related to industry. They were intended to make Indian industry globally competitive. After three years it is legitimate to ask whether there has been enough progress in achieving this intention. There are many individual units that have restructured themselves. Vast funds have flown into the private... Read More
The Indian irrigation network is one of the largest in the world. But the productivity of these large numbers of surface irrigation schemes is nowhere near optimal and one of the main reasons ascertained for this is poor financial and physical management. In fact, in the current scenario of inflated costs,poor costs and poor cost... Read More
Controlling inflation has been a central issue on the government agenda during 1992-93, as the price rise in 1991-92 generated considerable concern. In light of this, an attempt to explain the behaviour of prices and its projection for future periods attains greater significance. In this paper we have made an attempt to quantify the various... Read More
During the eighties decade, there was a growing realization about the deteriorating financial performance of the irrigation sector in India. Irrigation being one of the basic inputs in the agricultural development of India, its sub-optimal performance, both physical and financial, has given rise to a lot of concern. Aggravating the situation is the fact that... Read More