Controlling inflation has been a central issue on the government agenda during 1992-93, as the price rise in 1991-92 generated considerable concern. In light of this, an attempt to explain the behaviour of prices and its projection for future periods attains greater significance. In this paper we have made an attempt to quantify the various... Read More
The Indian irrigation network is one of the largest in the world. But the productivity of these large numbers of surface irrigation schemes is nowhere near optimal and one of the main reasons ascertained for this is poor financial and physical management. In fact, in the current scenario of inflated costs,poor costs and poor cost... Read More
During the eighties decade, there was a growing realization about the deteriorating financial performance of the irrigation sector in India. Irrigation being one of the basic inputs in the agricultural development of India, its sub-optimal performance, both physical and financial, has given rise to a lot of concern. Aggravating the situation is the fact that... Read More
Irrigation has been a major contributing factor in the Green Revolution experienced by India during the late 1960s and the 1970s. While the considerable achievements of the irrigation sector have been appreciated by all, there has been very little attempt at estimating the cost at which this achievement has taken place. The estimates of cost... Read More
The package of policy reforms initiated by government recently, of which an exit policy is a part, derives its legitimacy from the need to stablise and restructure the economy as a means for regenerating its capacity to sustain a higher rate of growth on a firmer basis. The process of restructuring involves a move away... Read More