India Policy Forum 2023

India Policy Forum 2023

Poonam Gupta Pravin Krishna Karthik Muralidharan
July 2024

The 20th India Policy Forum 2023 Volume comprises papers and brief details of the proceedings of IPF Conference held during July 6-7, 2023. Apart from presentation of five papers, the IPF Conference also included the 5th  T.N. Srinivasan Memorial Lecture, titled, “Poverty and Inequality in India: An Exploration of Undercurrents at the Village Level”, delivered by Professor Peter Lanjouw, VU University, and the IPF Lecture, titled, “Monetary and Macroprudential Policies with Global Financial Cycles”, delivered by Professor Helene Rey, London Business School. In addition, the 2023 IPF featured a Policy Roundtable titled “The World in a Polycrisis”.

2023, Volume 20, Papers

The IPF 2023  Volume is available at the 'Download' link below.

The complete set of IPF Volumes, can be viewed and downloaded here.