India’s Transporatation Performance Index

India's Transporatation Performance Index

Globalisation has opened up economic opportunities for developing countries in the form of outflow of value-added services, low-cost raw materials , human resource skills, improved market access for their exports, efficiency gains in their economies through technology transfer and spill-over, and resource re-allocations. Consequently, various developing countries, including India, have increasingly begun to position themselves for greater participation in regional and global markets. It goes without saying that India needs to build its capacity for establishing linkages with global and regional markets for deriving the optimal benefits of engaging with the globalised world. This, in turn, depends on the creation of an efficient logistics system. For this purpose, most of the developed and emerging countries estimate logistics costs on a regular basis, and use performance indicators to measure the efficiency levels of logistics activities. In fact, it is imperative to measure these logistics costs to analyse where and how we stand vis-à-vis the competing countries in this sphere, and thereby enhance our competitiveness. Equally important is an identification of the factors that would facilitate a reduction in logistics costs.

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