Expert Group on the Commercialisation of Infrastructure Projects
NCAER has long been the only agency outside the government with the capability of conducting large scale household surveys. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) requested the NCAER to carry out a survey of Indian investors in order to estimate investor population, their investment preference and to gauge the impact of the growth of the securities markets during the last decade of economic reforms. The terms of reference of the study were to estimate the number of household and the population of individual investors, their economic and demographic profile, portfolio size., investment preferences for equity as well as other saving instruments. The study was also designed to elicit information from households on their risk perceptions, experiences in investing in security market, return on investment and the like. Other areas to be covered included awareness of investor rights, experiences with grievance redressal mechanisms; indications of investors' future plans of investment and their expectations from the securities market were also obtained. The study also provided estimates of non-investor households and population, their economic and demographic profile, their pattern of investment in various instruments and reasons of non-investment in the equity market.
This report was submitted by members of an Expert Group under the chairmanship of Dr Rakesh Mohan
Volume 1
The India Infrastructure Report: Policy Imperatives for Growth and Welfare: Volume-I
The Executive Summary
Volume 2
The India Infrastructure Report: Policy Imperatives for Growth and Welfare: Volume-II
The Main Report
Volume 3
The India Infrastructure Report: Policy Imperatives for Growth and Welfare: Volume-III
Sectoral Reports