The Quarterly Agricultural Outlook provides an overview of agricultural trends both globally and at the national level. Agriculture continues to be critical to India's economy given its role in meeting the food and fibre needs of over a billion people and providing livelihoods to millions of households in rural areas. India is a major producer... Read More
This paper examined the impact of restricted and unrestricted fiscal grants on tax efforts of Rural Local Governments in India using ARIS/REDS panel data. We estimated the system as a whole via three stage least squares, where the first stage equations are the ones predicting the grants in order to deal with the simultaneities of... Read More
Given that the phenomenon of capture of public programs by sections the population is rampant in developing countries, households can indulge in a strategy to improve their participating in public programs by bribing the suppliers of such programs. This is an important issue affecting both the supply of local public goods and the incidence of... Read More
Identity based voting is a second best solution adopted by households to minimize the negative effects of one’s own identity and (or) identity based coalitions. If a significant source of household welfare is one’s identity or, membership in ethnically defined groups, then politics that results will be parochial in nature. In parochial politics voting along... Read More
This study attempts to estimate and analyse the level of health-care expenditure incurred by the state governments and households in the rural sector of major states in India. It studies the interlinkage between public spending and household spending on health care. The utilisation of public and private facilities has also been analysed to provide a... Read More
This paper studies the idea (hypothesis) that increasing government spending on education should improve the quality of the education and access and thus bridge the gap between the private schools and public schools’ performance leading to indifferent choice between the school types and similar outcome. Nationally representative village, schools, and household level data from rural... Read More
Rural households in India are often confronted by various types of risks — covariate (e.g. natural disasters, economic or political crisis) and idiosyncratic (e.g. illness or job-loss) shocks. When faced with such risks even non-poor members of society can be vulnerable if they have ineffective or constrained coping instruments. This study analyses the relationship between... Read More
The study examine the mobility of households with respect to time-independence, positional movement, and directional income, consumption and assets movement using transition matrices. Transition matrices are most intuitive tools to comprehend mobility and are based on Shorrock’s (1978) measures of mobility. Economic mobility is a significant consequence of income inequality and growth. In this paper,... Read More
The main objective of this paper is to estimate the technical, economic and allocative efficiency of Indian agricultural farmers in both cross section and panel years of 1982, 1999 and 2007 using the production and cost frontier model. This has been estimated for crops such as paddy, wheat, serials, pulses, oil seeds and other crops... Read More
This paper models the behavior of states in a federal country wising to attract foreign firms to locate within their own individual jurisdictions. The essential intertemporal character of this decision is modeled as a multi-stage game to attract such foreign investment in these states. It is found that, when states with unequal political or economic... Read More