Although there has been considerable interest on wage discrimination, available studies largely dealt with formal rather than informal markets that are of little relevance for the poorest. Focusing on of India’s informal labour markets leads to three findings of interest. First, gender wage discrimination is larger in informal than in formal labour markets, resulting in... Read More
This paper examines whether and to what extent changes in inheritance legislation impact women's physical and human capital investments using disaggregated household level data from India. We use inheritance patterns over three generations of individuals to assess the impact of changes in the Hindu Succession Act that grant daughters equal coparcenary birth rights in joint... Read More
Reservations enjoy great popularity to overcome deep-rooted inequality. However, in part due to a short horizon of analyses, evidence on the impact of reservations and the mechanisms through which they may work remains ambiguous. Nationally representative village- and household level data from India for the last 3 Panchayat periods allow us to explore dynamic effects... Read More
This paper explores the impacts of the amendment to the 1956 Hindu Succession Act on Hindu females’ intergenerational transfers of physical and human capital. Information on the timing of three generations’ key life events helps isolate the causal effects. Our primary estimation strategy is a difference-indifference estimator in which we compare the share of total... Read More
This study was undertaken by NCAER for the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India to evaluate the functioning of Tribal Research Institute (TRI) in Assam. The evaluation provides an analysis of TRI’s manpower capacity and its infrastructure, including building, museum and library. The evaluation also assesses research studies conducted by TRI over the years... Read More
The primary objective of this study is to assess the readership status and pattern from the perspective of “leisure book” or “non-text” reading of north-east India. In order to have a relative understanding of the situation in the north-east, the study further aims to compare the results for the north-east with national level findings. It... Read More
The global economy is on a recovery path after the shocks of the severe financial and economic crises of 2008 and 2009. This study, third in this area supported by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has focused on understanding the behaviour of households as investors in various financial instruments which are traded in... Read More
The global economy is on a recovery path after the shocks of the severe financial and economic crises of 2008 and 2009. This study, third in this area supported by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has focused on understanding the behaviour of households as investors in various financial instruments which are traded in markets regulated by... Read More
The 4th issue of Gramsurajya has two articles. The first section is an opinion piece by Prof. Andrew Foster, Brown University, “The two elements of inclusive growth”. The second section contains a brief summary of NCAER-IDRC research findings “Do Changes in Inheritance Legislation Improve Women's Access to Physical and Human Capital? Evidence from India's Hindu... Read More
The third issue of Gramsurajya is in three parts. The first section is an opinion piece titled "Participation and Decentralization for Agricultural and Rural Development.” The second section contains insights from the ARIS/REDS 2006 data on "Does the democratic decentralization really create responsible governance in rural India?” The final section highlights the latest programmes to... Read More