This publication is based on the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure 2004-05 (NSHIE), covering over 63,000 households out of a preliminary listed sample of 440,000 in rural and urban India spread over 24 states.
The report brings together original, rich and nuanced data on the relationship between caste and economic patterns. It is an attempt to analyse the differences in incomes of various castes in India on the basis of their education and occupation irrespective of whether they live in small or large towns or poorly developed or well-developed... Read More
The youth constitutes the largest segment of the Indian population. Being the primary productive human resource, the socio-economic development of the Indian youth is directly linked to the development process. This paper attempts to observe the various demographic characteristics of the Indian youth population and determine household expenditure patterns on education and related items using... Read More
“Gramsurajya”, is the newsletter of this project and will communicate project-related and other news relating to rural decentralisation and growth issues at regular intervals. In its first issue, it looks at voting and the economic state of rural voters.
The development of rural housing in a manner that results in adequate and quality shelter for the inhabitants of Mahatma Gandhi’s “real India” is a challenge before the nation. What are the issues confronting rural housing development in India? The litany is endless.
Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a multidimensional role in the overall development of the host economies. The present study aims at providing a detailed understanding of the spatial and sectoral spread of the FDI-enabled production facilities in India and their linkages with the rural and suburban areas. The corresponding impact on output, value-added, capital and... Read More
The Fifth India Policy Forum (IPF) conference was held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi over July 15–16, 2008. Prof. W. Max Corden, University of Melbourne, Australia delivered the fifth annual IPF lecture on “India and the World Economy: From Friend to Foe? India, the World Economy and the Current Oil Shock”. 2008|9, Volume 5, Papers Private Schooling... Read More
Countries world-wide routinely collate statistics on STS performance indicators such as R&D expenditure, science publications, citations and impact, high-tech employment, and penetration of hightech goods. In parallel there have been several, but often isolated, attempts to define complementary ‘public understanding of science (PUS)’ indicators including concepts such as scientific literacy, public sentiment, interest, and attitudes. This has been... Read More
This report constructs the Human Development Index for rural Andhra Pradesh by considering indicators such as economic attainment, longevity and education.
The Fourth India Policy Forum (IPF) conference was held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on July 17–18, 2007. Prof T N Srinivasan, Samuel C. Park Jr. Professor of Economics,Yale University delivered the fourth annual IPF lecture on “Economic Reforms, External Opening and Growth:China and India”. This fourth volume (India Policy Forum 2007/08,Volume 4) was been published in July 2008. The India... Read More