The Journal is aimed at providing a focal point for dissemination ofempirical information and research findings in the broad areas of applied economics. A major emphasis is on policy analysis and application of modern quantitative techniques to developmental issues. It is, therefore, intended at encouraging economic research and analysis to bring home a deeper understanding of... Read More
This paper is an attempt to focus on the role of Science and Technology (S&T) on regional development of India by considering 21 Indian states. The Index approach using the Principal Component technique has been adopted. For analysing the impact, a set of three indices focussing on Current Economic Status, S & T and Welfare has been calculated. Further, using the... Read More
The cutback in public investment in the social sector, including health, is an inevitable consequence of the financial crises faced by both developed and developing countries since the late seventies. In India, the dismal performance and several deficiencies of public health services added fuel to the fire. Circumstances made it pertinent to mobilise additional resources... Read More
The paper has two objectives. One, to analyse the pattern of energy usage in India and the implications thereof for carbon emission; two, to examine whether pricing and taxation policies have any role to play in mitigating carbon emissions.
The eclipse of the state-regulated, vertically integrated utility as the dominant institutional form in the electricity industry is now a worldwide phenomenon. This phenomenon is a component of a broader trend towards the privatization of state enterprises and liberalization of markets for the services of infrastructure industries. Though market design experiments are being conducted in... Read More
Even as a case can be made for public spending on elementary education, its link with enrolment rates does not appear strong. However, once efficiency and demand-side factors are accounted for, public spending is seen to make an impact on the rate of enrolment and quality of education as measured by teacher-pupil ratio.
India Policy Forum 2004 comprises papers and highlights of the discussions from the first India Policy Forum (IPF) conference, held March 25-27, 2004, in New Delhi. IPF is a joint venture of the Brookings Institution and the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) that examines India's reforms and economic transition using policy relevant empirical... Read More
The framework for the 2004 study was the same as one that was used for the 2003 study because of its potential not only to evaluate a state’s relative development and use of ICT but also allowed a better understanding of a state’s strengths and weaknesses with respect to ICT. IT spending as a percent... Read More
This study attempts to estimate and analyse the level of health-care expenditure incurred by the state governments and households in the rural sector of the major states in India. It studies the interlinkage between public spending and household spending on health care. The utilisation of public and private facilities has also been analysed to provide... Read More
In the globalised world, international borders ought to be mere lines on the map. But recent studies have shown that informal trade barriers still exist, and inhibit trade, particularly so in the developing countries. This can arise due to a host of factors such as complex customs procedures, which sometimes change, and capacity constraints, given limited facilities and/or... Read More