NCAER in the News

Opinion: C.S. Mohapatra. Policies have sought to promote participation in financial markets, but investor ignorance and negligence as well as fraudulent activities are impediments to growth. India’s financial sector has grown exponentially over the past two decades. One major contributor to this is the rising participation of private investors in financial markets coupled with digitalisation....   Read More


  • Market reforms: The unfinished agenda

    Opinion: K P Krishnan It's time to address the root cause of the 1992 stock market scandal - a conflict of interest in RBI's many roles The release of a recent Sony LIV series on the Harshad Mehta financial markets scandals that rocked India in the early 1990s has triggered chintanam on an event that...   Read More

  • The Need For Judicial Reforms

    Opinion: Sanjib Pohit Informational asymmetry among consumers producers gives each economic agent an incentive to cheat. The latest NCAER’s (National Council of Applied Economic Research) forecast has indicated that YoY growth will remain negative through Q2 Q3 and Q4 at -12.7% -8.6% and -6.2% respectively. For the year as a whole 2020-21 GDP will decline by...   Read More

  • Economic policy needs to address those who have seen the greatest distress during lockdown

    Opinion: Sonalde Desai Neerad Deshmukh & Santanu Pramanik  The urban poor is still finding it difficult to return to work. Targeting social safety nets towards them is necessary as the economy struggles to recover. While COVID-19 continues its assault on human lives the Indian economy after the devastation in the wake of the lockdown is showing...   Read More

  • Navigating the narrow passage between recovery and inflation

    Opinion: Sudipto Mundle The new MPC has done well but it would take game-changing reforms for our economy to regain its pre-covid trend growth The new monetary policy committee (MPC) which submitted its first report last Friday has started well. Faced with an unprecedented crisis a steep gross domestic product (GDP) contraction of 24% in the...   Read More

  • Don’t ignore the plight of divyangs

    In the Covid era physical distancing and isolation may be impossible to follow for those who rely on the support of others to eat dress and bathe Opinion: Soumi Roy Chowdhury & Sanjib Pohit  Disability is an issue which has been the least researched. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study disability ranges...   Read More

  • Rich farmers dominate farm protests in India. It’s happening since Charan Singh days

    The agriculture sector like large and medium industries of the Indian economy also needs a well-organised industry representation. Opinion: Indranil De and Sanjib Pohit India has a long history of farm movements. Surplus generated out of the Green Revolution made farmers a politically significant group. Chaudhary Charan Singh was one of the first to identify...   Read More

  • Farm reform laws open the market. Now, a regulator is needed

    The farm sector will attract private investment only if traders are assured that the govt will not put a constraint in their selling and purchasing price. Opinion: Dr Sanjib Pohit The outset the three farm Bills brought in by the Narendra Modi government seem to create a level-playing field in the farm sector. They empower...   Read More

  • Honour Jaitley’s grand bargain on GST compensation for states

    The Centre should uphold its end of the deal with states as it would not only be more efficient but also help foster federalism Opinion: Dr Sudipto Mundle The last thing India needed at this time when it is already facing crises on multiple fronts is friction in Centre-state relations. Yet relations between the Centre...   Read More

  • Deja vu on DFIs
    Deja vu on DFIs 16 Sep 2020

    The bank-led model of infrastructure financing is fraught with difficulties. But DFIs are not a quick fix. Opinion: Dr K P Krishnan It is reported that the government is working towards reviving Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) for funding infrastructure projects in order to address the rising challenges of infrastructure financing. In the past DFIs have...   Read More

  • Bearing Fruit: India’s growing horticulture edge

    Increased focus on horticulture crops will be a win-win formula: it will help increase farm income and support nutritional security Opinion: Tarujyoti Buragohain A remarkable but lesser-known fact about the National Horticulture Mission (NHM) is the crop diversification it has brought in.  The NHM a centrally-sponsored scheme was launched in 2005-06 with one of its...   Read More