NCAER in the News

Opinion: C.S. Mohapatra. Policies have sought to promote participation in financial markets, but investor ignorance and negligence as well as fraudulent activities are impediments to growth. India’s financial sector has grown exponentially over the past two decades. One major contributor to this is the rising participation of private investors in financial markets coupled with digitalisation....   Read More


  • How to measure water needs

    The value of a river will depend on a unique data-set to construct the water poverty profile and experts who can suggest future correctives say Soumi Roy Chowdhury Devendra B Gupta and Sanjib Pohit In India the discourse about  new pathways for development hardly focusses on water. The narrative generally centres on two things: First...   Read More

  • Repercussion of trade wars

    Revoking MFN and imposing punitive duties on Pakistan would hit the Kashmiri traders hard  Following terrorist attack on CRPF convoy in Kashmir Indian government has taken several steps to isolate Pakistan in international forum. Hitting Pakistan economically is of course a reasonable approach. On this front India has taken two steps: (b) abolish MFN status...   Read More

  • Now, fewer women voters

    What’s the use of India’s track record of holding regular polls if voting rights of half its population mostly women are compromised at the altar of an inefficient registration system? The over-riding discussion during this electoral season in India is obviously focussed on who will occupy 7 Lok Kalyan Marg in the capital and the...   Read More

  • Beaten, battered, brutalised

    Forget the streets women are not even safe at home. Gender violence indoors is akin to an elephant in the room. Still we lack a uniform redressal mechanism Recently the streets of Delhi witnessed an intriguing sight — hundreds of women marched on the roads brandishing huge replicas of belans (rolling pins) to protest against...   Read More

  • Everyone is afraid of data

    There needs to be robust infrastructure for official statistics so that governments do not suppress inconvenient truths. Over the past two weeks headlines have focussed on declining employment between 2011-12 and 2016-17; loss of jobs under the National Democratic Alliance government particularly post-demonetisation; and the government’s refusal to release a report using the Periodic Labour...   Read More

  • Yes to reservation, no to women

    Even as the Government is hastily drafting the quota Bill for the EWS section like most predecessors it has orphaned the Women’s Reservation Bill The recent Bill reserving 10 per cent quota for the economically weaker sections (EWS) among the upper castes has been intensively debated over its utility propriety and Constitutionality but discussions have...   Read More

  • Justice delayed is markets stymied

    In a market economy like India a strong judiciary is required for quick settlement of disputes Since the 1991 economic reforms India has improved tremendously in almost all economic indicators and is now one of the fastest growing nations in the world. Various economic policies of the current government have enabled the economy to move...   Read More

  • The learning crisis underlying our unemployment challenge

    It may be difficult to imagine that the humble “anganwadi" the grassroots institution at the base of the Integrated Child Development Services scheme (ICDS) could have any role in addressing India’s formidable challenge of unemployment. However two recent studies Employment In India (Oxford University Press 2019) by Ajit Ghosh and the Annual Status Of Employment...   Read More

  • UBI good, but likely to be too costly to implement, says Martin Wolf

    Remember only the US Fed is raising the rates. The Europeans Japanese and the Chinese are not doing that.  While there are several critics of the farm debt waiver it has found a supporter in Martin Wolf chief economics commentator at the Financial Times. In India to deliver the C D Deshmukh Memorial Lecture organised...   Read More

  • Modi 2.0 can’t be more reformist than Modi 1.0, says Martin Wolf

    The past four-and-a-half years of the Modi govt have been more of continuity than a break from the past says Wolf New Delhi: The government that comes to power after the general elections due in April-May may not be able to carry out radical reforms like the present one even if Prime Minister Narendra Modi...   Read More