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  • For making better macro policies it is vital to track policy developments in the country; monitor global developments of relevance to India; and, understand the pulse of the economy.

  • Reducing poverty and socio-economic disparities for achieving human development has been a key concern for India’s policymakers. NCAER has contributed to this with its flagship India Human Development Survey (IHDS), one of the largest nationwide panel surveys for Indian households which has generated over 1000 publications.

  • Improving investor education and protection is the key for the financial markets to perform the critical intermediation function and building a better overall investment climate in the country.

  • Building cutting-edge CGE/integrated models at the national/subnational levels is crucial for facilitating policy analysis in the domains of industry, trade, energy, environment and climate change.

  • In a dynamic research and policy environment with a growing demand for data and evidence for better policy making, it is crucial to invest in methods for data collection and impact evaluation for generating high-quality policy relevant data for various sectors and states.

  • To improve delivery of services through technology, enhancing trade, and reaping demographic dividend India needs to invest in better understanding of challenges and opportunities in trade, technology, and skilling. Additionally, quicker development of the agricultural and allied rural sectors continues to remain a priority for achieving the objectives of higher growth and poverty reduction through better income and employment opportunities.

  • A well-functioning, equitable health system relies on interdisciplinary collaboration and is intertwined with various aspects of society for the betterment of human life.

  • The Centre’s vision is to promote the full, equal, effective, and meaningful participation of women in the economy, including as decisionmakers in India. Closing gender gaps is macro-critical: It benefits everyone. Reducing gender gaps raises economic growth, reduces income and wealth inequality, and fosters greater financial stability.

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